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Vendita e Privacy sul tuo sito e-commerce: la soluzione per evitare sanzioni costose

Vendita e Privacy sul tuo sito e-commerce: la soluzione per evitare sanzioni costose

CEO, lead developer
14 06

Se hai un sito e-commerce o vorresti averlo devi sapere che proteggere la tua attività e i tuoi clienti con informative legali ben strutturate e aggiornate è di fondamentale importanza. Oggi esistono molte soluzioni che offrono la generazione delle informative legali per un sito e-commerce ma devi sapere che è estremamente importante ...

Vendita e Privacy sul tuo sito e-commerce: la soluzione per evitare sanzioni costose

Se hai un sito e-commerce o vorresti averlo devi sapere che proteggere la tua attività e i tuoi clienti con informative legali ben strutturate e aggiornate è di fondamentale importanza.

Oggi esistono molte soluzioni che offrono la generazione delle informative legali per un sito e-commerce ma devi sapere che è estremamente importante comprendere che, sebbene queste opzioni possano sembrare convenienti e veloci, esistono insidie pericolose e problemi nascosti a cui puoi andare incontro.

Gli stessi problemi che hanno affrontato molti dei nostri clienti prima di capire cosa fare e che (purtroppo) non vengono mai spiegati da nessuno. Vediamoli insieme:

  1. Mancanza di personalizzazione: I servizi di generazione di informative "automatici" potrebbero non tenere conto delle specifiche esigenze e delle peculiarità del tuo sito o della tua attività, fornendo un documento generico e non adatto alle tue necessità.
  2. Incompletezza delle informazioni: Alcuni servizi non includono tutte le disposizioni legali necessarie, lasciando vuoti o lacune nelle informative, che potrebbero mettere a rischio la conformità legale.
  3. Inadeguatezza alle leggi locali: I servizi automatici potrebbero non tener conto delle leggi e dei regolamenti specifici del paese dove svolgi la tua attività o della tua giurisdizione, rischiando di creare informative non conformi.
  4. Mancanza di aggiornamenti: Le leggi e le normative possono cambiare nel tempo, ma i servizi automatici potrebbero non tenere il passo con queste modifiche, lasciando le tue informative obsolete e non conformi alla legislazione attuale.
  5. Limitata consulenza personalizzata: Se hai domande o dubbi specifici sulla tua attività o sulle informative legali, questi servizi potrebbero non offrire una consulenza personalizzata, lasciandoti da solo nella comprensione e nell'applicazione delle disposizioni legali.

Le informative legali sono documenti di vitale importanza che richiedono un'attenzione accurata e una comprensione approfondita delle leggi e dei regolamenti applicabili.

Per questo motivo noi di Scaboo ci siamo impegnati a trovare una soluzione per ottenere informative a carattere legale scritte direttamente da avvocati esperti in ecommerce e GDPR senza andare incontro a costi proibitivi e che ti faranno sentire finalmente sereno e tranquillo.

La soluzione 100% chiavi in mano è qui!

Siamo lieti di annunciare che su Scaboo, è ora possibile integrare una soluzione su misura per la creazione di informative a carattere legale grazie alla nostra collaborazione con Legal Blink.

Legal Blink è l'unica soluzione specifica per siti web e-commerce, sviluppata da un Team di Avvocati esperti in ecommerce e privacy per la creazione di informative a carattere legale.

Grazie alla nostra collaborazione è possibile avere un servizio chiavi in mano, completamente gestito da noi e dai loro esperti che consente di generare:

  • Termini di vendita (italiano, inglese, tedesco, francese e spagnolo)
  • Privacy e cookie policy (italiano, inglese, tedesco, francese e spagnolo)
  • Report sulle criticità da correggere (es: informazioni mancanti nel piè di pagina)
  • Documenti aggiornati se cambia la legge
  • Aggiornamento dei documenti quando cambia il business
  • Banner cookie
  • Registro dei consensi cookie
  • Registro dei documenti pubblicati sul sito

Soluzioni pensate per i siti e-commerce e negozi online

La soluzione di Legal Blink ha tutte le funzionalità che che consentono di rispettare al 100% GDPR, privacy e legge digitale, create da uno uno studio legale esperto in privacy ed e-commerce.

Documenti personalizzabili

Documenti 100% personalizzabili


Aggiornamenti se cambia la legge o il tuo business

Soluzioni Legali 100% Umane

Soluzioni Legali 100% Umane

Documenti multilingue

Documentazione multilingue

Blocco Cookie

Blocco preventivo cookie Registrazione consensi

Storico scaricabile dei documenti

Storico dei documenti pubblicati online

Contratti specifici

Contratti specifici per l'ambito digitale

Conformità GDPR

Conforme al GDPR e alle leggi internazionali

Hai un sito e-commerce Scaboo e vuoi attivare Legal Blink?

Ti basterà effettuare il login sul tuo account e acquistare il pacchetto. Una volta fatto, ci occuperemo noi del resto!

Avremo cura di metterci in contatto con i professionisti legali di LegalBlink, che previ scansione del tuo e-commerce, rilasceranno dopo qualche giorno le informative per il tuo sito.

Integrazione? Nessun problema.

Quando il team di legali rilascerà le informative del tuo sito, saremo noi ad integrarle per te ed avvisarti quando avremo finito.

In questo modo, avrai tutte le informative che servono per il tuo sito, integrate, complete e correttamente compilate da un team di esperti nel settore!

Se hai ancora domande o non hai un sito e-commerce, apri un ticket da questa pagina. I nostri assistenti ti risponderanno il prima possibile con le informazioni che ti servono
Maggiori Informazioni

Almapay: La soluzione rivoluzionaria per aumentare le vendite online e semplificare gli acquisti

Almapay: La soluzione rivoluzionaria per aumentare le vendite online e semplificare gli acquisti

CEO, lead developer
7 06

Avere un metodo di pagamento flessibile ed efficace, oggigiorno è indispensabile sia per te che per i tuoi clienti, quindi se vuoi incrementare le vendite sul tuo sito e-commerce, sei nel posto giusto! Almapay è la soluzione che fa per te. La varietà dei metodi di pagamento, l'ottimizzazione dell'esperienza utente e la gestione semplificata ...

Almapay: La soluzione rivoluzionaria per aumentare le vendite online e semplificare gli acquisti

Avere un metodo di pagamento flessibile ed efficace, oggigiorno è indispensabile sia per te che per i tuoi clienti, quindi se vuoi incrementare le vendite sul tuo sito e-commerce, sei nel posto giusto!

Almapay è la soluzione che fa per te. La varietà dei metodi di pagamento, l'ottimizzazione dell'esperienza utente e la gestione semplificata dei pagamenti, sono solo un assaggio dei vantaggi che Almapay offre.

Fondamentalmente, semplifica il processo di pagamento per i clienti e agevola la gestione dei pagamenti per i proprietari di un sito e-commercescopri con noi i vantaggi.


  1. Cos'è Almapay?
  2. Il pagamento rateale: perchè sceglierlo?
  3. Un'esperienza d'acquisto semplice e fluida.
  4. Pagamenti garantiti al 100%.

Cos'è Almapay?

Almapay è un metodo di pagamento da poco introdotto nell'ecosistema Scaboo, che permette ai tuoi clienti di scegliere come pagare: pagamento immediato, rateale, differito.

Almapay offre sicurezza, flessibilità e facilità di utilizzo per i tuoi clienti, ma anche strumenti di gestione dei pagamenti efficienti per il tuo e-commerce. Questo aiuta a migliorare l'esperienza di acquisto, a facilitare le transazioni e a favorire la crescita del tuo sito.

Il pagamento rateale: perchè sceglierlo?

Almapay può offrire benefici significativi sia per i tuoi clienti che per il tuo sito e-commerce.

Quando i clienti scelgono il pagamento rateale, gestiscono le spese come desiderano e si concedono più facilmente prodotti di maggior qualità.

Ciò può aumentare la soddisfazione del cliente e costruire una relazione di fiducia con il tuo marchio, incoraggiando la fidelizzazione e potenziali acquisti futuri.

Pagamento in meno di 1 minuto

Pagamento rapido e accettazione immediata.

Pagamento garantito per i commercianti

Riceverai il denaro subito, Alma si occupa del resto.

Completamente digitale

Puoi finalmente dire addio a tutti i documenti cartacei da archiviare.


Proponi ai tuoi clienti il pagamento a rate o differito, senza alcuna esitazione prima dell'acquisto.

Scopri di più

Un'esperienza d'acquisto semplice e fluida

Almapay è la soluzione adatta alla tua attività. Non importa ciò che vendi, con Alma venderai di più.

Alma offre un'interfaccia di pagamento intuitiva e user-friendly per i tuoi clienti. Questo semplifica il processo di acquisto, riduce i possibili attriti e aumenta le probabilità di vendita.


Offri ai tuoi clienti la libertà di decidere come e quando pagare

Almapay consente ai tuoi clienti di rateizzare il pagamento in 2, 3 e addirittura 4 rate.

Scopri di più

Pagamenti garantiti al 100%

I tuoi clienti pagano dopo e tu ricevi subito la totalità dell'importo. In caso di mancato pagamento, Alma si occupa di tutto.


Niente più esitazioni prima dell'acquisto

Grazie alla facilità e alla sicurezza dei pagamenti fornite da Almapay, i clienti possono fare acquisti in modo rapido e senza preoccupazioni.

Per te, è come un classico pagamento con carta di credito, per i clienti è come se fosse Natale (o quasi!).

I tuoi clienti rimangono tuoi clienti

E lo rimarranno sempre! Alma non vende e non utilizza i dati raccolti. È una promessa.

Con Almapay puoi costruire una relazione duratura e diretta con loro, fornendo un servizio personalizzato e creando opportunità di fidelizzazione.


Ci stai ancora pensando?

Acquista un Pack E-commerce con Scaboo ed attiva Almapay sul tuo sito. Incrementa le tue vendite e agevola i tuoi clienti, in modo semplice e garantito.

Se vuoi costruire le fondamenta che aiuteranno la tua attività e-commerce a fare il grande passo, dai un'occhiata ai nostri cataloghi dropshipping.
Acquista ora

Aumenta le vendite: i vantaggi di Klarna per il tuo e-commerce!

Aumenta le vendite: i vantaggi di Klarna per il tuo e-commerce!

CEO, lead developer
29 05

Ad oggi, nel mondo e-commerce, non possono mancare le soluzioni di pagamento che ci permettono di acquistare con facilità ciò che amiamo, senza limitarci. Tra queste, rientra sicuramente Klarna, una novità recentemente inserita nell'ecosistema Scaboo. Vediamo insieme quali vantaggi offre per i clienti che acquistano dal tuo sito, e quali ...

Scaboo | Klarna

Ad oggi, nel mondo e-commerce, non possono mancare le soluzioni di pagamento che ci permettono di acquistare con facilità ciò che amiamosenza limitarci.

Tra queste, rientra sicuramente Klarna, una novità recentemente inserita nell'ecosistema Scaboo.

Vediamo insieme quali vantaggi offre per i clienti che acquistano dal tuo sito, e quali per te.

Cos'è Klarna?

Un nuovo modo di pagare. Grazie a Klarna, il tuo cliente può comprare ora e pagare dopo sia nel tuo negozio fisico che online! Al momento, è possibile suddividere il totale dell'acquisto in tre comode rate.

3 rate senza interessi.

Con Klarna, il cliente ha la possibilità di suddividere il costo del suo acquisto in 3 rate senza interessi, che verranno addebitate sulla carta ogni 30 giorni.

Al momento del pagamento

Al momento dell'ordine

Il cliente può selezionare l’opzione per pagare in 3 rate senza interessi e inserire i dati della sua carta di debito, di credito o prepagata.

Alla spedizione dell'ordine

Alla spedizione dell'ordine

Dopo che Klarna avrà ricevuto la conferma di spedizione dell’ordine da parte tua, effettuerà il primo addebito sulla carta del cliente.

Ogni 30 giorni

Ogni 30 giorni

Il resto degli addebiti sulla carta del cliente avverrà automaticamente ogni 30 giorni, fino all'estinzione dell’intero importo.

Zero interessi. Zero dubbi.

Può sembrare paradossale ma non lo è, credici. Klarna collabora con aziende di fiducia per offrire ai tuoi clienti le migliori opzioni di pagamento possibili.

  • Un nuovo modo di pagare gli acquisti del cliente. Offre un'ottima alternativa utile per abbattere i limiti legati ai costi.
  • La comodità di pagare in 3 flessibili rate senza interessi.

Aumenta il tuo fatturato con Klarna.

Con Klarna, offri ai tuoi clienti la possibilità di pagare come e quando vogliono e senza interessi, inoltre ricevi l'importo totale subito e senza rischi. E' il modo migliore per ottenere più clienti, che comprano di più e lo fanno più spesso.

Unisciti alla community di clienti che cresce più velocemente al mondo.

Klarna mette in contatto i principali brand mondiali con milioni di clienti. Grazie alla possibilità di suddividere l'importo del proprio acquisto con facilità, permette ai tuoi clienti di sviluppare un nuovo senso di libertà nel fare acquisti come e quando vogliono. Questo non può essere che un vantaggio.

Fatti conoscere da nuovi clienti, in tutto il mondo.

Grazie a Klarna, cogli l'opportunità di essere maggiormente conosciuto.

Klarna offre la possibilità ai clienti di tracciare i loro acquisti grazie ai canali ed app presenti, portando traffico al tuo negozio!

Nessun rischio. Solo vantaggi.

Vendere con Klarna farà crescere il tuo business.

Nuovi Clienti

Klarna mette in contatto milioni di clienti con i brand grazie alla Klarna app.

Garanzia di pagamento

Klarna ti paga sempre per intero, indipendentemente dalla soluzione scelta dal cliente.

Protezione del venditore

Pensa solo al tuo negozio. Klarna si assumerà ogni rischio di credito e frode.

Compliant in ogni mercato

Tutti i prodotti sono automaticamente aggiornati per rispettare le normative locali.

Supporto dedicato

Klarna è sempre a tua disposizione in caso di imprevisti.

Aggiornamenti automatici

Avrai sempre la versione migliore e più aggiornata di tutti i prodotti Klarna.

Cosa aspetti?

Acquista un Pack E-commerce con Scaboo ed attiva Klarna sul tuo sito. Crea sinergia, acquisisci clienti ed inizia a Vendere. Ora è più facile.

Se vuoi costruire le fondamenta che aiuteranno la tua attività e-commerce a fare il grande passo, dai un'occhiata ai nostri cataloghi dropshipping e inizia subito la prova gratuita per 15 giorni.
Prova Scaboo gratis

Google Analytics 4: la chiave per una crescita (esplosiva) del tuo e-commerce

Google Analytics 4: la chiave per una crescita (esplosiva) del tuo e-commerce

CEO, lead developer
15 05

Se stai cercando un modo per migliorare in maniera esponenziale i risultati generati dal tuo e-commerce, non cercare oltre Google Analytics 4. La nuova versione di Google Analytics introduce una serie di funzionalità rivoluzionarie che ti aiuteranno a comprendere meglio i visitatori del tuo sito sul tuo e-commerce e migliorare la tua strategia ...

Google Analytics 4: la chiave per una crescita (esplosiva) del tuo e-commerce

Se stai cercando un modo per migliorare in maniera esponenziale i risultati generati dal tuo e-commerce, non cercare oltre Google Analytics 4.

La nuova versione di Google Analytics introduce una serie di funzionalità rivoluzionarie che ti aiuteranno a comprendere meglio i visitatori del tuo sito sul tuo e-commerce e migliorare la tua strategia di marketing.

In questo articolo parleremo dell’ultima novità annunciata da Google mesi fa: Google Analytics 4.

Questo aggiornamento della piattaforma di analisi web porta con sé molte novità che ci aiuteranno a monitorare al meglio il comportamento degli utenti in tutte le fasi, grazie ad un metodo di analisi incentrato proprio sull'utente.

Le novità più importanti che troviamo nella nuova versione di Google Analytics possono essere riassunte in 4 punti:


  1. Analisi avanzate grazie all'intelligenza artificiale
  2. Maggiore connessione con Google Advertising
  3. Misurazione centrata sull'esperienza dell'utente
  4. Controllo più dettagliato dei dati degli utenti

Secondo una ricerca condotta da Google, i proprietari di un sito e-commerce ed i venditori hanno sempre più difficoltà ad avere una visione completa dei loro utenti e a ricavare informazioni utili dai loro dati.

L’aggiornamento di Google ad Analytics affronta questo problema fornendo agli addetti al settore i dati di cui hanno bisogno per migliorare il ROI e fare piani a lungo termine.

Per questa ragione, Google afferma di aver creato una nuova e più intelligente Google Analytics che si basa sulle fondamenta della proprietà App + Web introdotta in beta lo scorso anno (2022).

1. Analisi avanzate grazie all'intelligenza artificiale

Analisi avanzate grazie all'intelligenza artificiale

Grazie all’uso dell’intelligenza artificiale e all’integrazione delle nuove machine learning, Google Analytics 4 è ora in grado di generare suggerimenti in merito a tendenze significative che emergono dallo studio dei dati.

Ad esempio, Google Analytics può utilizzare i dati del sito web per identificare i prodotti che vengono richiesti maggiormente a causa delle nuove esigenze degli utenti.

Inoltre, Google ha annunciato che verranno implementate metriche che permetteranno di stimare i potenziali ricavi derivanti da un gruppo specifico di utenti.

Questo ci permetterà di fare ragionamenti più accurati sul tipo di strategia di marketing per aumentare il valore di ogni utente online e non solo.

Tutte queste funzioni aiuteranno a prendere decisioni più proattive in grado di aumentare il ROI, prevedendo le azioni future che gli utenti potrebbero intraprendere.

2. Maggiore connessione con Google Advertising

Maggiore connessione con Google Advertising

Grazie a una più profonda integrazione con Google Ads, è ora possibile creare segmenti di pubblico personalizzati basati sui dati di Google Analytics.

Google Analytics ora misura le interazioni sul Web e nelle app, il che significa che può creare report sulle conversioni generate nei video di YouTube, nei canali a pagamento di Google e non, oppure nei social media ed email.

Grazie all’integrazione più profonda con Google Ads, sarà possibile creare annunci in grado di raggiungere gli utenti con esperienze più pertinenti e utili, ovunque scelgano di interagire con la tua attività.

3. Misurazione centrata sull'esperienza dell'utente

Misurazione centrata sull'esperienza dell'utente

Google Analytics 4 si è evoluto da una misurazione frammentata per dispositivo o piattaforma a una misurazione incentrata sul'utente.

Anche in questo caso, questa modifica è progettata per offrire una visione più completa di come gli utenti interagiscono con un sito e-commerce.

Ciò consente di acquisire una visione più completa del comportamento degli utenti e di identificare le opportunità per migliorare l'esperienza dell'utente e l'efficacia delle campagne di marketing.

Inoltre, con la funzionalità di modellazione dei dati integrata in Google Analytics 4, è possibile ottenere previsioni più accurate sulle tendenze di acquisto future.

4. Controllo più dettagliato dei dati degli utenti

Controllo più dettagliato dei dati degli utenti

In GA4, c'è anche un maggiore controllo sui dati utente.

I dati di rilevamento degli utenti sono sottoposti a restrizioni, e gli utenti hanno la possibilità di scegliere di non partecipare alla condivisione dei dati con Google.

Inoltre, la modalità di condivisione dati è più trasparente rispetto alla precedente versione di Google Analytics.

Ciò significa che gli utenti possono vedere in modo più chiaro come i loro dati vengono utilizzati dalle aziende, e quindi decidere se desiderano condividerli o meno.

Questo controllo più dettagliato sui dati utente è una risposta alle preoccupazioni sempre crescenti in merito alla privacy dei dati e ai regolamenti come il GDPR.

Google Analytics 4 rappresenta un'evoluzione significativa rispetto alla versione precedente e offre una serie di nuove funzionalità e capacità per migliorare le proprie strategie di marketing online.

Scaboo ha integrato Google Analytics 4 nella propria suite di strumenti di analisi, il che significa che puoi iniziare a utilizzare la nuova versione di Google Analytics subito e senza dover effettuare alcuna migrazione.

Se vuoi costruire le fondamenta che aiuteranno la tua attività e-commerce a fare il grande passo, dai un'occhiata ai nostri cataloghi dropshipping e inizia subito la prova per gratuita per 15 giorni.
Prova Scaboo gratis

Consumer protection in e-commerce with the Omnibus Directive

Consumer protection in e-commerce with the Omnibus Directive

CEO, lead developer
3 05

The publication of the 'Omnibus Directive' on consumer protection has been eagerly awaited by e-commerce players. The decree was published in the Official Journal on 18 March 2023 and becomes effective 15 days after publication, i.e. in April 2023. The new discount rules, on the other hand, will come into force in July 2023. The new ...

Direttiva Omnibus per gli E-commerce: cosa cambia in 5 punti

The publication of the 'Omnibus Directive' on consumer protection has been eagerly awaited by e-commerce players.

The decree was published in the Official Journal on 18 March 2023 and becomes effective 15 days after publication, i.e. in April 2023. The new discount rules, on the other hand, will come into force in July 2023.

The new legislation has a strong impact on the e-commerce sector and, in particular, on online discounts and price reduction ads. In addition, the decree also provides for a stricter penalty regime, with a maximum of EUR 10 million for violations.

There are also new rules for dual quality and secondary ticketing. The Omnibus Directive aims at ensuring transparency for consumers, strengthening consumer protection and the desire to harmonise rules at European level.

Let's see what is new in the Omnibus Directive and what changes for e-commerce.

tutela dei consumatori dalla Direttiva Omnibus

New consumer protection features of the Omnibus Directive

The implementation of the Omnibus Directive has a significant impact on e-commerce sites, which will have to provide more transparency in information, particularly with regard to discount ads.

Failure to comply with the new consumer protection rules results in heavy penalties, calculated according to the severity of the violation.

The directive, by the way, is just one of the actions envisaged by the European Union for the New Deal for Consumers, a new consumer law in Europe created to improve consumer protection and harmonise national consumer laws, especially with regard to the use of new and evolving technologies.

tutela dei consumatori negli annunci di sconti online

Consumer protection in online discount ads

The main innovation introduced by the Omnibus Directive to strengthen consumer protection concerns online discounts.

Previously, the topic of online discounts had already been addressed by the Decree transposing the Omnibus Directive. However, now those running an e-commerce business will have to be particularly careful to avoid showing inflated prices or advertising false discounts.

Therefore, during extraordinary sales, such as sales, promotional sales, Black Friday or Cyber Monday, the merchant will not be allowed to inflate the initial price to give the impression that the discount is bigger, but will be obliged to display the minimum price applied in the 30 days preceding the promotion.

The new regulation will supplement the Consumer Code and will be included under the title 'Price Reduction Announcements' in Article 17-bis.

It is important to emphasise that the provisions on discount announcements do not affect food e-commerce marketing perishable or agricultural products.

But what if you want to make a sale below cost or launch a new product at a lower price? In these cases, there is no need to worry, as sales below cost are not affected by the new provisions.

Furthermore, launch prices are not considered as starting prices from which to apply the discount.

Pratiche commerciali scorrette: il dual quality e il secondary ticketing

Unfair commercial practices: dual quality and secondary ticketing

The Omnibus Directive also introduces greater consumer protection in relation to unfair commercial practices.

In particular, dual quality and secondary ticketing are prohibited. Dual quality consists of the use of inferior ingredients or materials in products intended for different countries, but under the same brand name.

In contrast, secondary ticketing is the purchase of tickets by intermediaries in order to resell them at much higher prices.

These practices have long been criticised by consumers, who have often suffered financially because of them.

Le recensioni online: divieto di recensioni false o non verificate

Online reviews: banning false or unverified reviews

The Directive also provides for greater control over online reviews. In particular, the use of false or unverified reviews is banned.

This means that e-commerce platforms and sellers will no longer be able to use fictitious reviews to deceive consumers and increase sales.

They will also have to provide more information about the reviews, such as the date of publication and the author, to enable consumers to assess the reliability of the opinions expressed.

Sanzioni e nuove regole per i siti di e-commerce

Penalties and new rules for e-commerce sites

The Omnibus Directive provides for stricter sanctions for violations of consumer protection rules.

In particular, the maximum fine has been increased from EUR 5 million to EUR 10 million. In addition, e-commerce sites will have to comply with the new transparency rules within a certain period of time, otherwise they will be subject to heavy penalties.

These new rules include the obligation to provide clear and precise information on the products and services offered, to guarantee the right of withdrawal within a certain period of time and to provide after-sales service.

Considerations and conclusions

The Omnibus Directive represents an important step towards consumer protection in e-commerce.

Although compliance may appear complicated, the new rules introduced provide greater transparency and protection for consumers, who will be able to shop online with greater security and confidence on sites that guarantee compliance.

In this way, it will be possible to create a fairer and more transparent digital market in which consumer rights are protected and respected.

We at Scaboo are always up-to-date on consumer rights, but above all we offer tools to make life easier for the professional as well.

Start your free trial of Scaboo now. Complete e-commerce with no credit card and no obligation to stay.
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 What to sell online in 2023: winning products in 5 steps (+BONUS)

What to sell online in 2023: winning products in 5 steps (+BONUS)

CEO, lead developer
18 04

Are you thinking of starting an e-commerce business but don't yet know which items to sell? The choice of products to sell online may seem obvious, but it is actually crucial to the success of your e-commerce. In order to have a successful online shop, in addition to adopting the right distribution channels and investing adequately in ...

Cosa vendere online nel 2023: prodotti vincenti in 5 step (+BONUS)

Are you thinking of starting an e-commerce business but don't yet know which items to sell?

The choice of products to sell online may seem obvious, but it is actually crucial to the success of your e-commerce.

In order to have a successful online shop, in addition to adopting the right distribution channels and investing adequately in advertising and promotion, it is essential to identify the articles that are most in vogue and in demand on this market.

Success in the world of e-commerce is in fact the result of 3 non-negotiable elements:

  • choosing the right products
  • the ability to sell effectively
  • the motivation to pursue one's goals

If you have already come this far, we are certain that you already have an analytical mindset and are extremely aware of the constant effort you have to put into learning and finding profitable strategies.

To help you get started, we have prepared a step-by-step mega-guide to help you identify the best products to sell online.

Use these tips to launch your business and achieve success in the e-commerce market.

Let us now look at them one by one, with examples to illustrate each step, and to show that yes, it is possible to open an ecommerce from scratch and make it profitable with a sound strategy.

1. Come identificarela nicchia di mercato (profittevole)

1. How to identify the (profitable) market niche

Market niche: a key ingredient for a successful and lasting online business.

The first thing you need to do to find a profitable niche market in e-commerce is to understand your audience.

It is important to identify to whom you would like to sell your products and to understand their needs, desires and buying behaviour.

Once you understand your audience, you can start looking for a niche market in which you can offer a product that uniquely or best meets these needs.

One of the most effective strategies to find a profitable market niche is to identify problems common to many customers.

For example, a search on online industry forums or social media can help you identify problems that people have that they cannot find satisfactory solutions to.

Once you have identified these problems, you can offer products or services that solve them in a unique or better way than those already available on the market.

Another strategy to find a profitable market niche is to identify emerging and growing trends,such as increased demand for eco-friendly products, interest in health and wellness, and increased use of mobile devices.

Trying to anticipate what will be in demand in the future helps you find a niche market in which your e-commerce business can thrive.

Another idea would be to look into product and service categories that are not yet very competitive but have a growing demand.

These may be less saturated in the market, but still popular enough to generate an attractive income.

2. L’importanza di un’analisi di mercato (preliminare)

2. The importance of a (preliminary) market analysis

Market analysis: the crux and delight of truly effective trading. Getting it right allows you to design a strategy that grinds results.

Market analysis is in fact a crucial step for anyone who wants to start selling online.

Doing so allows you to understand whether there is demand for your products, who your competitors are and how to differentiate yourself from them. Let's look at how to perform an effective market analysis before deciding what to sell.

First of all, it is important to understand the demand for your products. There are several ways to do this, but some of the most common are:

  1. Use tools such as Google Trends to see how the popularity of certain keywords changes over time. This will give you an idea of how demand changes for the products you are considering.
  2. Use keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner to see how often certain keywords are searched for and in which country. This will give you an idea of how many people might be interested in your products.
  3. Search forums and Facebook groups to see what people are asking about the products you are considering. This will give you an idea of what their problems are and how you can help them.

Once you know whether there is demand for your products, it is important to identify the distinctive elements of your products.

This includes unique features, customer benefits, product use and purchasing experience.

In addition, to make a complete and well-informed market analysis, it is also important to consider price aspects.

How to make a pricing strategy and decide at what price you will sell your products?

It is important to consider production costs, competitors' prices, and customers' perceived value for the product.

Finally, it is also important to identify the most suitable distribution channels for your products. For example, you might decide to sell your products only on a specific online marketplace or to have your own e-commerce website.

In conclusion, market analysis is a crucial step for anyone who wants to start selling online.

Using the tools and methods described in this section, you will be able to perform a comprehensive and informed market analysis, make informed decisions on what to sell online and how to differentiate yourself from the competition.

3. Analisi e squalifica dei competitor

3. Competitor analysis and disqualification

This point is closely related to the previous one.

Before launching your online business, it is extremely important to understand who you will be dealing with in order to understand the market you are entering, identify opportunities and risks, and differentiate yourself from the competition.

In this section, we will explore how to perform an effective competitor analysis before deciding what to sell and how to do it.

So let's talk about competitors: first, let's make a distinction between direct and indirect competitors.

Put simply, direct competitors are those sellers who offer products similar to yours, while indirect competitors are those who offer products that can meet the same needs as yours.

To effectively identify your competitors and analyse them in depth to understand what they are doing and how they are doing it, you can start with these platforms:

  1. Use tools like SEMrush to see which websites are using the same keywords as your products. This will give you an idea of who your most direct competitors are.
  2. Research online marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay to see which sellers are selling your products. This will give you an idea of who your most direct competitors are on those platforms.
  3. Visit the websites of your competitors to see what they are doing and how they differ from you. This will give you an idea of how you can differentiate yourself to compete with them.
  4. It analyses their marketing strategies, such as the channels used, advertising campaigns and social media presence.
  5. It assesses their brand positioning and perception, identifying their areas of strength and weakness, and how they are interacting with customers and their feedback.

Another thing to understand is that the analysis of your competitors should not be limited to just 'looking' at their activities and 'strategies'.

You must also analyse their customers: purchasing behaviour, satisfaction and trust in them!

This is a must because whether you are dealing with direct competitors or indirect competitors, in both cases three factors come into play that influence your potential customer's decision:

Money, time, reasoning and decision-making.

With this information, you can identify opportunities to differentiate yourself from the competition and create a unique strategy that will help you reach more and more people, interact with them, and get them to engage with your e-commerce.

4. Trovare un fornitore affidabile, serio (e conveniente)

4. Finding a reliable, serious (and affordable) supplier

If you already have an idea of who are the people who might buy from you and who are the competitors, then it is time to find a good supplier.

It is extremely important, in fact, it is one of the most important things you should do.

A good dropshipping supplier can make the difference between a successful business and one that never takes off.

If you have chosen to open your own online shop but do not have a product to sell, most likely after some research you will come across dropshipping. In a nutshell...

Dropshipping is a business model in which the seller does not keep the goods in stock, but instead has them shipped directly from the supplier to the end customer.

This means that the seller does not need to invest in warehousing or inventory, thus reducing the start-up costs of the business.

Choosing a reliable dropshipping supplier is crucial because it allows you to offer your customers a great shopping experience. A reliable supplier delivers the goods on time, properly packaged and in good condition.

This helps to ensure that your customers are satisfied with their purchase and will come back to buy from you in the future.

In addition, a reliable supplier can also offer competitive prices. This means that you can offer your customers high-quality products at affordable prices.

This is important because e-commerce customers tend to compare prices between different online shops before making a purchase.

If your prices are competitive, you will increase your chances of getting a sale.

On the other hand, if a reliable supplier is not available, problems can arise very quickly: Goods may be delivered late, damaged or even not delivered at all.

This can cause disappointment in your customers, who may never return to your e-commerce site.

In addition, if you do not have a reliable supplier, you may face additional costs for shipping returns, which may weigh on your business.

So, before even launching your online e-commerce, we strongly suggest that you contact your chosen supplier(s) and note down information such as:

  • How is the order packaged: are the materials used durable? Is the packaging anonymous or can you use your brand name?
  • How quickly is it dispatched and delivered to the customer? Try not to go beyond 3-5 working days, preferably 24/48h.
  • What wholesale prices you can get: they have to be cheap, so you can earn more on margins

You can meet these minimum requirements by choosing to work with a European or Italian product supplier, rather than choosing suppliers far away.

Many sellers have opted for dropshipping through agreements with Chinese suppliers, which may have been an advantageous solution in the past.

Nowadays, however, this choice is no longer convenient.

Chinese suppliers are very competitive on prices, but international shipments from Asia considerably lengthen the product delivery time for the end customer.

Online consumers expect fast delivery times, so not all customers will be willing to wait long. In addition, there is the question of product quality.

Today, customers' expectations are increasingly high in this respect as well.

Paying attention to product quality can reduce return and refund requests. In this scenario, the smartest choice would be to opt for verified Italian and European suppliers.

5. What to sell online in 2023? Here are the best products

We have seen what steps we need to take to understand how to recognise trends that allow us to channel our work in the most profitable and effective direction, but are you still wondering what to sell online in 2023?

Well, to give you the initial push, we have created a list with 7 product categories that are highly sought after by internet users for 2023:

Body and home care products

With the growing interest in health and wellness, natural and organic products are becoming increasingly popular among consumers.

Moreover, home care and personal hygiene products are often consumer products that have to be re-bought periodically, which makes them suitable for online sales.

This category includes a wide range of products such as cosmetics, hair care products, household cleaners, scented candles, perfumes, essential oils and more.

Products for Consumer Electronics

As technology continues to improve and develop, this has created a great demand for consumer electronics products.

This category includes products such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, cameras, televisions, headphones, speakers and other technology gadgets.

Electronic products are often expensive and consumers try to save money by buying online at discounted prices.

Health and fitness products

With the increasing focus on health and exercise benefits, health and fitness products are becoming increasingly popular among online consumers.

This category includes products such as food supplements, workout equipment, mental wellness products, sportswear and more.

In addition, consumers are increasingly looking for products that offer a personalised experience to meet their specific needs.

Toys and childcare products

Toys are a further product category suitable for online sales.

With the increasing number of working parents, educational and entertainment toys have become a popular choice for children.

In addition, many toys can be sold cheaper online than in physical shops.

Pet products

Pets have become an integral part of many people's lives and pet owners are constantly looking for quality products for their well-being.

This category includes pet food, pet care products, pet clothing, accessories and toys.

This product category is also suitable for online sales, as pet owners can conveniently search for products for their pets from home.

Fashion products and accessories

This category includes a wide range of products such as jewellery, bags, belts, scarves and other fashion accessories.

Fashion products are well suited to online sales as consumers can easily browse through a wide range of products and find those that suit their personal style.

Interior design objects

Home furnishings and interior design objects have become increasingly popular in recent years.

This category includes pet food, pet care products, pet clothing, accessories and toys.

Many consumers are looking for unique, high-quality design objects to embellish their homes and work spaces.

In addition, many manufacturers of interior design objects have focused on using sustainable materials and supporting local craftsmen, which makes these products even more attractive to consumers looking for ethical and sustainable products.

In summary, these seven product categories represent just some of the opportunities that could be available to online sellers in 2023.

Each of these categories presents potential customers and is suitable for online sales, which makes them attractive for those who want to start an online business or for those looking to expand their existing business.

6. BONUS: Creare il proprio sito e-commerce (senza improvvisare)

6. BONUS: Creating your own e-commerce site (without improvising)

Planning is the watchword before embarking on a serious and lasting e-commerce project.

At a time when online sales are growing at a dizzying pace, creating a well-structured and professional e-commerce site has become the basis for having all the necessary resources to start such a business.

For this reason, it is important to take a strategic and planned approach to creating your e-commerce. There are two main approaches to creating an e-commerce site:

build a site from scratch or use a commercial platform.

Let us look at the differences and the advantages and disadvantages of each solution.

Building a site from scratch means having advanced technical expertise and in-depth knowledge of programming languages, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP.

This solution might be useful if you have a team of in-house developers or if you have a very large budget to devote to the creation of your e-commerce site.

On the other hand, using a commercial platform means working on a pre-packaged one-size-fits-all platform, where you are completely left 'at the mercy' of your own experience.

Although it is not always a bad thing, we believe that the solution must lie somewhere in between, with a platform that allows a site to be built in a simple manner but at the same time offers a clear, functional and efficient direction.

Scaboo is an online platform that allows you to do just that, create your own online shop without having to be a programmer and without making mistakes.

With Scaboo, you can create your e-commerce site in just a few clicks, choosing from a wide range of professional templates and customising your site to meet your specific needs.

In addition, Scaboo offers advanced features such as support for online payments, shipping management and website analytics to help you improve your sales.

But Scaboo's differentiators are two: service and price.

Creating an e-commerce site from scratch or using a commercial platform can be expensive, but with Scaboo, you can create your own online shop at a very affordable price, without having to sacrifice quality or functionality.

Even more important is assistance.

Most renowned platforms and brands do not offer any kind of assistance because their goal is simply to sell and bill more and more.

Our greatest wish, on the other hand, is for people to be able to use the platform consciously and effectively, which is why we are ready to listen, respond and accompany those who choose us.

Opening an e-commerce site with us is like having an expert by your side to help you bring your most ambitious project to life, in your greatest interest because your victory is also ours.

Start your free trial with Scaboo. 15-day trial with no credit card and no obligation to stay.

If you want to build the foundations that will help your e-commerce business take the plunge, take a look at our dropshipping catalogues and start your 15-day free trial now.
Try Scaboo for free

How to drastically increase your e-commerce sales with Trusted Shops

How to drastically increase your e-commerce sales with Trusted Shops

CEO, lead developer
9 09

Imagine this scenario: a potential customer named Alan lands on your clothing site because he is interested in the new Nike model on offer. Alan is eager to buy right away but his sixth sense tells him not to, suggesting that he inform himself well before buying from a site he does not know. So Alan is forced to make a choice: roll up his ...

Come aumentare drasticamente le vendite del tuo e-commerce con Trusted Shops

Imagine this scenario: a potential customer named Alan lands on your clothing site because he is interested in the new Nike model on offer.

Alan is eager to buy right away but his sixth sense tells him not to, suggesting that he inform himself well before buying from a site he does not know.

So Alan is forced to make a choice: roll up his sleeves and look for opinions on your site.

This sad story ends like this, with Alan distracted by a WhatsApp notification and you with one less customer.

Now imagine this other scenario: Marilda lands on your competitor's site because she too is interested in the latest Adidas model, also promptly discounted.

Marilda, eager to buy immediately, wonders if the site she is surfing on is safe and reliable.

His attention is caught by distinctive details on the product page , which read 'Rating: Excellent 5/5', 'Warranty Included: Your Purchase is Insured' .

Marilda also reads positive reviews from other customers like herself directly on the site and before buying, she alerts her best friend with a WhatsApp.

This story, even sadder for you, ends a bit like this... with Marilda super-satisfied with her purchase, happy to have made a bargain for her best friend Alan.

Trusted Shops: the element that made the difference

Marilda bought from your competitor's online shop because she noticed some very useful trusted shops that certified the authority and credibility of that site.

But what is Trusted Shops?

Trusted Shops is an international company, a European leader in the certification of e-commerce quality and reliability, which was established more than 20 years ago to ensure safe shopping for consumers.

Those who choose Trusted Shops do so in order to drastically increase consumer confidence and, consequently, sales.

Why can it be the turning point for your e-commerce?

If a shop bears the Trusted Shops label, this means that the experts in the certification team have verified its quality in a meticulous manner. They do it this way:

Seal of Quality and Certificate: a mark that, highlighted on the e-commerce site, is synonymous with consumer trust. To obtain the seal, online shops are constantly evaluated according to precise criteria of quality and reliability. Each e-commerce shop receives an online certificate guaranteeing the absolute authenticity of the seal of quality on the site.

Money Back Guarantee for Consumers: To offer consumers a 100% secure shopping experience,a money back guarantee agreement is granted prior to purchase.

Customer and Product Reviews:Trusted Shops certifies the veracity of all reviews on a site, which are crucial to the success of an online shop

The benefits of choosing Trusted Shops

There are numerous advantages for e-commerce companies that choose to obtain Trusted Shops certification:

Increased traffic: being a Google partner, Trusted Shops forwards the reviews received from users directly to the search engine, showing them as rich snippets in organic search views. Reviews can also be shown in Google Ads and on Google Shopping.

Customer loyalty: used by more than 30,000 e-commerce shops in Europe, the seal of quality represents an element of guarantee and expectation for those visiting an e-commerce shop. Through real and guaranteed reviews, the perception of authenticity most often leads to a purchase.

Customer and product reviews: Trusted Shops, through its Trustbadge function, enables the automatic sending of the review request to the customer after the purchase: a way to get the buyer more involved, creating a direct dialogue. Reviews are important to make it clear to the customer what to expect when they receive the product at home, so that returns and associated problems are greatly reduced. The Buyer Protection offered by Trusted Shops guarantees a full refund in case of problems with the delivery or the product

If you want to take care of your online shop's reputation to increase sales, contact us to request FREE Trusted Shop integration on your Scaboo site

 BigBuy is officially a partner of Scaboo, the N°1 Dropshipping E-commerce platform in Italy

BigBuy is officially a partner of Scaboo, the N°1 Dropshipping E-commerce platform in Italy

CEO, lead developer
6 09

BigBuy, Europe's leading wholesaler becomes an official partner of Scaboo, a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) E-commerce Dropshipping platform that allows professionals and merchants to create and scale their own online store. Provider of thousands of online businesses of all types of products and categories, BigBuy facilitates online sales through ...

BigBuy è ufficialmente partner di Scaboo

BigBuy, Europe's leading wholesaler becomes an official partner of Scaboo, a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) E-commerce Dropshipping platform that allows professionals and merchants to create and scale their own online store.

Provider of thousands of online businesses of all types of products and categories, BigBuy facilitates online sales through its programmes for B2C, B2B, DTC.

The collaboration stems from a strong desire to offer innovation in the Scaboo ecosystem. The aim is to automate after-sales processes and drastically improve the experience of each individual customer.

Very soon BigBuy services such as catalogues, logistics services and e-commerce automation will be integrated into Scaboo's professional solutions.

Take advantage of our partnership, register from this link to get a 20% discount on all BigBuy plans!

E-commerce and Cryptocurrencies: everything you need to know!

E-commerce and Cryptocurrencies: everything you need to know!

CEO, lead developer
6 12

Cryptocurrencies are gaining more and more authority, and although not everyone thinks the world is ready for this type of payment, it is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the impact these technologies could have on e-commerce. In this article, we will look at what a cryptocurrency is, what the big players in the industry are doing, ...

E-commerce e Criptovalute: tutto quello che c'è da sapere!

Cryptocurrencies are gaining more and more authority, and although not everyone thinks the world is ready for this type of payment, it is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the impact these technologies could have on e-commerce.

In this article, we will look at what a cryptocurrency is, what the big players in the industry are doing, what the advantages and disadvantages of using it are, and why it can represent a not too distant future for your business.

What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a form of payment, based on complex cryptography, that can be exchanged directly between its users for goods and services.

Based on what is called 'decentralised control', cryptocurrencies are not controlled by a centralised authority (such as banks and governments) in the way that traditional currencies are.

Instead, transactions are verified by a decentralised network of thousands of computers, without a central server, using encryption techniques to control their use and administer their release.

Le Criptovalute più popolari

What are the most popular cryptocurrencies?

The cryptocurrency that paved the way for all of them was Bitcoin. Created in 2009 in an attempt to decentralise the financial sector, it was the only cryptocurrency in operation until 2011. Today there are thought to be more than 4,000 cryptocurrencies worldwide, let's take a look at the most noteworthy ones:

Ethereum : the second largest digital currency by market capitalisation, Ethereum is based on a payment system using a token called Ether. Going beyond simply facilitating financial transactions, this is now a platform that uses advanced blockchain technology to create and host decentralised apps.

Litecoin: this digital currency, created by a former Google engineer in 2011, shares many similarities with Bitcoin, although its creators claim that transactions are processed much faster due to its faster block generation rate.

Ripple: also known as XRP because of the type of cryptographic system used, Ripple was designed for users who need to handle more complex and higher value transactions

Cosa fanno i BIG del settore?

What are the big players doing? (This is important)

A recent announcement by payments giant Paypal suggests how digital cryptocurrency payments could become the standard.

At the end of March 2020, the company launched Checkout with Crypto, a feature that allows its US customers to seamlessly use cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum or Bitcoin Cash) to pay millions of online retailers.

Users can convert their cryptocurrency into legal currencies such as euros and dollars without additional transaction costs, and for retail companies, no additional fees or commissions are required.

It is expected that Checkout with Crypto will soon expand to PayPal customers in Europe and other parts of the world. This latest move by PayPal signals a significant acceleration in the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies.

Then, in May 2020, the online marketplace eBay signalled that it was open to the possibility of accepting cryptocurrencies as a form of payment in the future.

The company has previously spoken publicly of its excitement at the possibility of using cryptocurrencies to 'expand global e-commerce and make it easier and more convenient for consumers' - is it only a matter of time before we see this vision come to life?

Let's not forget the launch of the cryptocurrency 'Diem' by the social giant, Facebook, in March 20 21 and shortly afterwards, during the October 2021 Connect, the corporate renaming to 'Meta' and the story of how the Metaverse will represent the near future, about which we wrote an interesting article .

Cryptocurrencies in e-commerce: opportunities and risks

As mentioned earlier, large e-commerce platforms and retailers are starting to adopt cryptocurrency purchases, but what are the advantages and disadvantages of accepting this type of payment? Let's look at them together:


Price volatility: the value of cryptocurrencies can vary widely, which creates uncertainty for both companies and consumers. Things could get particularly complicated in the case of returns if the value of the cryptocurrency has fluctuated since the time of purchase!

Thousands of alternatives: with thousands of cryptocurrencies available and new coins appearing regularly, choosing a digital payment method to accept on your e-commerce site could be a bit of a minefield.

Trust issues: Cryptocurrency is still a 'niche within a niche' in terms of consumers who have rallied behind it. This is partly due to its almost mystical nature for anyone who doesn't understand the technical details.

Furthermore, cryptocurrency payments have no protections or recourse; like a bank transfer, when it's gone, it's gone and therefore, consumers may require more trust in the retailer or brand before using cryptocurrency as payment.

Cryptocurrency Taxes: Although Bitcoin is not subject to regulation, the government requires you to report your Bitcoin transactions and the income/losses from owning the "property," as stated by the IRS.

According to the IRS, - "a taxpayer who receives virtual currency as payment for goods or services must, in calculating gross income, include the fair market value of the virtual currency, measured in US dollars, on the date the virtual currency was received."


Fast transactions: while traditional transactions can be quite slow, blockchain technology enables faster and more direct transactions that can help streamline corporate cash flow and for consumers, instant processing of cryptocurrency means that orders can be shipped instantly, perfect for meeting the growing demand for fast delivery by shoppers.

Lower transaction fees: Credit card companies and payment apps such as Stripe or Square charge transaction fees ranging from 3-5% on each transaction. Cryptocurrency transactions often have no fees or if they do, they start at 1%. However, there are cryptocurrency conversion fees when transferring cryptocurrencies to legal national currencies such as the euro.

The new 'market': There are consumers out there who are against credit cards and banks. Although they are the minority, offering cryptocurrency payments could expand the target market and lead to an increase in new customer traffic.

Increased security: Cryptocurrencies have been welcomed with open arms by many for reducing fraud and fraudulent returns that now damage millions of businesses. Those who agree to pay (or get paid) in cryptocurrencies, besides being a more aware person, know that the money is exchanged immediately and securely thanks to the blockchain technology that powers this process, which reduces the risk of fraud in digital transactions.
Cosa fanno i BIG del settore?

What should medium, small and micro businesses do?

Can cryptocurrencies and e-commerce be a winning couple? The ultimate answer is: it depends.

Although cryptocurrency technology has not yet been explored in a serious way by small and medium-sized e-commerce brands, the market shift could probably accelerate today's trends in an unexpected way.

If you have an e-commerce or have a business that you want to bring online, your next steps need to be planned with the entire market in mind. Even if your customer base does not use cryptocurrencies, it is crucial to be prepared for their acceptance and mass adoption. Here are some of our small tips:

1. Look at your customers: Start with an in-depth look at your customer base, wing your current customers and those groups whose attention you want to attract, whom you haven't yet made an impression on. Are these customer segments adopting cryptocurrencies? Are they on their 'radar'?

If the answer is yes, you'll want to seriously consider offering to get paid in cryptocurrencies. If the answer is no, you may not need to consider this option now, proceeding with the next tips anyway.

2. Look at your competition: Regardless of whether or not you see your customers as the 'cryptocurrency guy', your competition may see it differently and steal your customer. Regularly examine your competition to see what kind of payment they provide.

Even if cryptocurrency payments are offered by your competitors but rarely used, you still don't want to look like a 'fish out of water' and be labelled as clueless.

3. Look to the future: Whatever you do, it is essential that you stay abreast of the dynamics in payments. The benefits and risks of cryptocurrency are difficult to assess alone, but there is a growing number of e-commerce experts who are researching, reviewing and writing about the almost daily changes in the modern world.

Time and advancing technology will show us how these new systems will integrate; in everyday life and we at Scaboo, who always look towards the future, are extremely aware of this.

For references:






If you want to build the foundations that will help your e-commerce business take the plunge, take a look at our dropshipping catalogues and start your 15-day free trial now.
Try Scaboo for free

E-commerce and Metaverse: the future of online sales?

E-commerce and Metaverse: the future of online sales?

CEO, lead developer
16 11

Metaverse: a reality parallel to our own. Has it arrived? No. Is it real? Yes (at least in the public consciousness) When Mark Zuckerberg announced a few weeks ago that the social networking giant would change its name to Meta and shift its focus to building the metaverse, the Internet as we know it today exploded. Between MEMEs, information ...

E-commerce e Metaverso: il futuro delle vendite online?

Metaverse: a reality parallel to our own. Has it arrived? No. Is it real? Yes (at least in the public consciousness)

When Mark Zuckerberg announced a few weeks ago that the social networking giant would change its name to Meta and shift its focus to building the metaverse, the Internet as we know it today exploded.

Between MEMEs, information videos and virtual reality generations, we at Scaboo asked ourselves a very 'special' question.

What will e-commerce look like in the metaverse?

With the basic idea that the Metaverse will be a virtual world next to ours, it follows that e-commerce will be an integral part of it and will most likely represent an excellent opportunity for those able to understand its dynamics.

"We are building Horizon marketplaces [Facebook's VR beta platform] where creators can sell and share 3D digital objects. And our hope is that this will enable a lot more commerce and help grow the overall economy of the metaverse." , - Zuckerberg said at one point, before adding that he hopes the metaverse will "host hundreds of billions of dollars of digital commerce."You can watch the entire event below

According to Vishal Shah, VP of Meta - "In short, the metaverse will remove many of the physical constraints we see on commerce today and make completely new activities possible.

Dynamics according to Mastercard

Outside of Meta, the balance seems to be between the combination of physical and digital products.

In an article published at the end of September , Mastercard imagined a future in which two friends meet in a virtual park and buy a pair of sneakers. Nothing extraordinary, but the dynamics of this 'purchase' are fascinating.

Two friends start talking about trainers and shortly afterwards one tells the other that she has seen a pair she might like. Immediately a selection of digital images of sneakers appears and, as one of the friends describes the style she saw, a virtual assistant narrows down the selection. artificial intelligence then allows the two friends to customise the shoes, before buying the physical pair and an NFT version. Nel Metaverso non sarà un problema allacciarsi le scarpe

'From product discovery to customisation and realisation, all in a matter of moments. And all without getting off the couch' - according to the Mastercard writer.

Thinking in meta-solutions

Even if all this seems very far from today, it is simply an extension of the direction in which e-commerce is going: paperless payment experience, super-personalisation and even excellent cross-selling.

No matter where the Metaverse arrives, we are sure that e-commerce will be part of it in a form we can only imagine for the moment.

Time and advancing technology will show us how this parallel world will integrate into everyday life and we at Scaboo, who always look towards the future, are extremely aware of this.

If you want to build the foundations that will help your e-commerce business take the plunge, take a look at our dropshipping catalogues and start your 15-day free trial now.
Try Scaboo for free