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 Price comparators: what they are and why they are essential for your sales!

Price comparators: what they are and why they are essential for your sales!

CEO, lead developer
14 11

'To sell or not to sell, that is the question'.This is the phrase we personally christened after analysing the e-commerce trend over the past 10 years. We know the market well, which is why we have decided to give you some valuable information to boost your sales. But before we tell you how it is possible to sell thousands of products a day, we ...

Comparatori di prezzo: cosa sono e perchè sono fondamentali per le tue vendite

'To sell or not to sell, that is the question'.
This is the phrase we personally christened after analysing the e-commerce trend over the past 10 years.

We know the market well, which is why we have decided to give you some valuable information to boost your sales. But before we tell you how it is possible to sell thousands of products a day, we would like to let those who are reading us for the first time know that the world of E-commerce has revolutionised the way people buy, buying and selling has changed over the last few years. In 2017, the Mobile Payment & Commerce observatory of the Politecnico di Milano stated in a press release that - "In Italy alone, digital payments increased by 9% and reached a value of €190 billion, accounting for 24% of Italians' consumption" - a global phenomenon.

But how can small shops, medium-sized and large companies make such profit opportunities with E-commerce?

Through the fine-tuning of business strategies, product optimisation with persuasive communication and through the use of powerful digital tools. You know, unlike many years ago, today you don't need to invest more than a single dinner a month to enter this world. We have seen how convenient it is to start with dropshipping, an innovative model that we offer an excellent service on a fast, secure and always up-to-date platform. This model is suitable for those who want to start out and do not wish to have a warehouse, in fact you only specialise in advertising your products, without the associated logistics and shipping tasks.

So what is the secret to starting to sell right away? The answer is simple, offer a solution to all users searching for a certain product at the lowest possible price: price comparators. In this article we will analyse their usefulness and illustrate the best ones in our experience.

What is a price comparator
Price comparators are all those search engines that are able to compare offers on a given product by analysing a large number of e-commerce and websites, providing the user with detailed product sheets and placing in the foreground the link to the site where to buy it at the lowest price. You will understand then that this is an ally that no e-commerce operator should ever lack. A comparator allows a fledgling e-commerce to advertise products and have them appear in the first results after a search. When clicked, the potential customer lands on the site's product page and completes the order, a real goal achieved: this is why they have become the most powerful and secure tools for selling online.

How much does a price comparator cost?
Price comparators do not all have the same cost and charging method. There are some who choose a fixed cost per month and others who do not, plus there are those who choose a cost per click (PPC) for each product or those who prefer to charge only when the product is sold. In any case, they are real marketing tools as they allow e-commerce to increase traffic and conversions. conversions. In fact, it is only necessary for a user to search for a product in your catalogue to be present in the results.

What are the best price comparators?
And here we are, we are at the end of the line: what are the best price comparators to use? First, let's review a few points:

  1. A price comparator is a search engine that compares offers from e-commerce and websites
  2. A price comparator is useful for both entrepreneurs and consumers, as it helps the former to make money and the latter to save money
  3. A price comparator is an indispensable tool in the life of an e-commerce and in the pockets of an entrepreneur because it increases traffic and conversions

Google Shopping: is undoubtedly one of the most important online price comparators. The service is a concentrate of PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns, in which sellers pay a commission to promote their products. With Scaboo, you can submit products from your e-commerce site to Google Shopping, simplifying your work and managing all the essential aspects automatically.

Kelkoo: The business model adopted by Kelkoo is the same as that of Google Shopping (pay-per-click). The European leader in product promotion, it generates, working with tens of thousands of sellers, more than 100 million sponsorships per day.

Trovaprezzi: is the leading Italian price comparison engine that has been accompanying users in their search for the best price for the desired product for over 15 years. Over 18 million offers are collected and sorted into different categories. This price comparator activates a unique relationship channel with each advertiser (of which there are over 3200) to guarantee an effective and quality price comparison.


Get started, now!
Did you know you can try Scaboo completely FREE? Take a look at our dropshipping catalogues and try our service free of charge for 15 days.

Pagantis: the best way to finance purchases

Pagantis: the best way to finance purchases

CEO, lead developer
27 08

It is a fact: opportunities flutter in front of us and we are never able to grab them in time! How many times have we missed out on great opportunities only to have failed to realise what they were actually worth? Sometimes, however, it is just inevitable that these occasions go unnoticed, as in this case... In the past articles we have ...

Pagantis: il modo migliore per finanziare gli acquisti

It is a fact: opportunities flutter in front of us and we are never able to grab them in time!

How many times have we missed out on great opportunities only to have failed to realise what they were actually worth?

Sometimes, however, it is just inevitable that these occasions go unnoticed, as in this case...

In the past articles we have talked about the most widely used payment methods on the web, we have seen the extreme security of PayPal and the ease of use of Amazon Pay for our Dropshipping platform, which we offer an excellent service in a fast, secure and always up-to-date platform.

Today, after looking at the most popular payment methods, we introduce you to Pagantis, the new e-commerce leading instalment and instant payment method.

Ready to open your own online shop? Start your 14-day free trial with Scaboo. No credit card required. Try Scaboo for free

Payments up to 12 instalments

Pagantis is a very flexible payment method for your potential customer. Thanks to the possibility of splitting the payment between 2 and 12 instalments, a real bargain is offered to those who wish to purchase from your site but do not immediately have all the necessary funds to complete the payment.

The instalment solution has always been a PLUS for those who have been able to offer it and in this case it is the best solution to populate your customer database and increase sales. 100% online and instant.

Forget about all the procedures required to open an online loan. With Pagantis, no documents such as pay slips, tax returns are required.

In fact, Pagantis ' purchasing process is focused on maximum conversion, without documentation and with immediate approval.

In addition to being a great way to speed up the sales process, this is an added value for your online business:

there are many users who, faced with too many steps to complete a purchase, abandon it because it is either too slow or too complex to understand.

With Pagantis everything is much more immediate and fast, so fast that it could... get out of hand!

Optimised for the smartphone

Let's talk a little bit about user experience. In 2019, more than 4.5 billion people prefer to use their smartphones to surf the web and visit any kind of website.

This inevitably leads to the development of services and content that are mobile first and obviously offer a good user experience.

Nobody likes to navigate on a site that is not optimised for smartphones: once opened, those who have a bad experience immediately abandon it and never return to it.

With Scaboo and Pagantis this is not the case, our sites are always optimised for mobile and this new payment method is no different: it is the best conversion-oriented installment method.

Did you know that you can try Scaboo completely FREE? Have a look at our dropshipping catalogues and try our service free of charge for 15 days.
Try Scaboo for free

 Selling in B2B? It has never been easier!

Selling in B2B? It has never been easier!

CEO, lead developer
19 07

You know it well, selling and keeping up with the times cannot always be a standard for everyone. In this fast-paced, increasingly productivity-oriented world, it becomes essential to keep up and be up-to-date. Whether you like it or not, commerce has been taking a different turn for quite some time now: manufacturers, shopkeepers, craftsmen, ...

Vendere in B2B? Non � mai stato cos� semplice!

You know it well, selling and keeping up with the times cannot always be a standard for everyone. In this fast-paced, increasingly productivity-oriented world, it becomes essential to keep up and be up-to-date. Whether you like it or not, commerce has been taking a different turn for quite some time now: manufacturers, shopkeepers, craftsmen, sellers and entrepreneurs have moved to the web: they have launched their business online and many of them have taken advantage of the super benefits of the new dropshipping sales model , which we offer in a fast, secure and always up-to-date platform. Sales and the user experience on an e-commerce site have always been the subject of much analysis, including our own: in one of our articles we listed and described the best payment methods to offer on your e-commerce site, aimed at the B2C market and described the security and ease of use.

Today we focus on the B2B market and see how to enable a special shopping experience for the merchant or large company. We introduce youto the new checkout/payment system that we have developed specifically for B2B sales. This new system includes a product pre-order phase and a modification of the administrator to better monitor the order. Let's see how.

Very simple and fast, the customer adds the products to the cart, selects the shipping address and... does not pay! No, we have not gone crazy, the customer does not pay.
He selects a new method called payment after the order confirmation and concludes his order. "And where is the advantage" - you may ask? It is the purchase of a large company, this means a shopping cart full of products, from the most disparate price lists with different shipping costs and taxation: a real nightmare when it comes to order processing.

Once the order has been received, the site administrator enters the order form and applies all the necessary changes to ensure that the order has a total that meets the requirements of all product suppliers. He then modifies the price and quantity of each individual product, adds others, and finally modifies the shipping price, tax value, adds discounts, vouchers and final total, all in a few simple clicks. Once you are satisfied with the changes you confirm the order and the system sends an e-mail to the customer containing the link to finalise the purchase.

We have also written a dedicated guide on how best to use it, so what are you waiting for? Read it by clicking here and don't miss the chance to use this new method completely free of charge!

Get started, now!
Did you know that you can try Scaboo completely FREE? Take a look at our dropshipping catalogues and try our service free of charge for 15 days.

Come acquistare un sito a noleggio su Scaboo!

Come acquistare un sito a noleggio su Scaboo!

CEO, lead developer
3 06

L'hai afferrato appieno: lanciare un'attività online ti offre un'eccezionale opportunità di profitto con ampie prospettive di crescita future e considerare l'idea di familiarizzare con il nuovo modello di business in dropshipping, di cui offriamo un ottimo servizio in una piattaforma veloce, sicura e sempre aggiornata, è sicuramente uno dei ...

Come acquistare un sito a noleggio su Scaboo!

L'hai afferrato appieno: lanciare un'attività online ti offre un'eccezionale opportunità di profitto con ampie prospettive di crescita future e considerare l'idea di familiarizzare con il nuovo modello di business in dropshipping, di cui offriamo un ottimo servizio in una piattaforma veloce, sicura e sempre aggiornata, è sicuramente uno dei migliori investimenti che puoi fare.

Oggi, vediamo quali sono i 4 semplici passaggi per noleggiare un sito in dropshipping: analizziamo in dettaglio tutto ciò che occorre per aprire il tuo primo sito. Se non l'hai ancora fatto ti consiglio caldamente di leggere immediatamente quali sono i vantaggi del potente sistema di dropshipping e perchè conviene partire subito. Quindi... iniziamo!

Atterrando sulla pagina principale di Scaboo, puoi subito scegliere il piano che più si addice alle tue esigenze, clicca quindi su “Ordina subito”.

Il miglior pacchetto per il vostro business

Nella pagina in cui atterri, scegli il nome che vuoi dare al tuo sito, scegli l'estensione (.com, .it, ecc.) e clicca sul pulsante “Controlla”. I nostri sistemi verificheranno se il dominio inserito è disponibile.

Che nome avrà il vostro sito in dropshiping?

Se per caso il nome che tanto desideri non è disponibile non disperare: come vedi Scaboo ti consiglia automaticamente dei domini liberi molto simili a quello che hai scelto. Fatto? Adesso clicca sul pulsante verde “Continua”.

Scaboo ti consente di scegliere un piano di acquisto per quanto tempo vuoi e senza alcun vincolo di durata. Seleziona quindi dal menu a tendina l'opzione che preferisci e clicca sul pulsante verde “Continua”.

Ci siamo quasi! Manca davvero poco!


In quest'ultimo step, Scaboo ti mostra il riepilogo del tuo ordine, dai una piccola occhiata e subito dopo acquista direttamente tramite PayPal oppure procedi alla cassa cliccando sul pulsante verde “Cassa”.

Il riepilogo del tuo ordine

Arrivato alla cassa non ti rimane altro che inserire i tuoi dati personali e di fatturazione ed il gioco è fatto: conserva con cura i dati di accesso e-mail e password. Compila quindi il modulo e scegli il tuo metodo di pagamento preferito. Puoi aggiungere anche delle note nel campo sottostante per dare informazioni aggiuntive!

Bene! Hai acquistato il tuo primo sito Scaboo!

Ecco fatto! Seguendo questi semplicissimi 4 step sei riuscito a concludere il tuo primo ordine su Scaboo! Adesso bisogna popolare il sito di prodotti per poter cominciare a vendere: nel prossimo articolo analizzeremo come aggiungere un listino dropshipping al tuo sito Scaboo!

Paypal Express: convert millions of users with just one click!

Paypal Express: convert millions of users with just one click!

CEO, lead developer
24 05

By now it is well established, buying online has become the standard: in recent years, as we have seen, the concept of shopping has undergone a profound change. Innovation speaks for itself: if you need to buy goods or services, the most suitable place has become the web. In such a convenient and fast environment as the virtual one, shopkeepers, ...

Pay Pal Express: converti milioni di utenti con un solo click!

By now it is well established, buying online has become the standard: in recent years, as we have seen, the concept of shopping has undergone a profound change. Innovation speaks for itself: if you need to buy goods or services, the most suitable place has become the web. In such a convenient and fast environment as the virtual one, shopkeepers, artisans, sellers and entrepreneurs have now launched their business activities and many of them have already taken advantage of the super benefits of the new dropshipping sales model , of which we offer an excellent service in a fast, secure and always up-to-date platform. In one of our articles, we listed and described the best payment methods to offer on your e-commerce site and described their security and ease of use.

Today we are going to talk in particular about Pay Pal Express, the flagship of the web. In the first quarter of 2017 alone, the US multinational had over 237 million customers worldwide and recorded an increase in completed payments (conversion rate) of over 82%. Today, PayPal is the most used payment method in the world and is also the favourite of all our customers. Let's see why!

Credit card? No way!
That's right, PayPal Express allows you to receive payments without entering sensitive card data, a sigh of relief for many, many customers. And that's why it is the most popular payment method among Internet users, the simplest and the most popular. With a simple account on the platform your potential customer is able to send money IMMEDIATELY: with just one click... A dream of many sellers.

PayPal stands for guarantee and security
It provides a safe and secure platform: thanks to the round-the-clock support it offers, your customer has the certainty of buying in peace and security at any time of day: they know they can count on a recognised service certified by a solid protection programme that has always protected millions of buyers in their online purchases. What's more, its use does not involve the normal procedure of registering on your Scaboo site: having landed on your e-commerce site, users directly purchase products by adding them to their shopping cart and completing their order in a matter of seconds.

MUST HAVE for all of YOU
As you have seen, the advantages of using PayPal Express Checkout as a payment method are by no means few: in addition to allowing the user to enjoy a simple and secure shopping experience, this method allows you, in one go, to forget about the worries of handling payment method data and even provides you, the seller, with extended protection against losses due to complaints about fraudulent payments and items not received. To enable PayPal Express on your Scaboo site, all you have to do is install the extension in the "Payments" section of your control panel and enter the data that the form requires. These will be delivered by PayPal itself by opening a business account, you can do this from here.

A guide for setting up the world's most used payment method is also available

Start now!
Did you know that you can try Scaboo completely FREE? Have a look at our dropshipping catalogues and try our service free of charge for 15 days.

Amazon Pay: the easiest and fastest payment method for your customers

Amazon Pay: the easiest and fastest payment method for your customers

CEO, lead developer
8 03

We have seen how buying and selling has changed over the last few years thanks to e-commerce. In fact, it is now well established that in the era in which we find ourselves, starting a virtual business represents a stepping stone for the years to come. Amidst the thousands of tasks involved in the management and logistics of a warehouse, the ...

Amazon Pay: il metodo di pagamento più semplice e veloce per i tuoi clienti

We have seen how buying and selling has changed over the last few years thanks to e-commerce. In fact, it is now well established that in the era in which we find ourselves, starting a virtual business represents a stepping stone for the years to come. Amidst the thousands of tasks involved in the management and logistics of a warehouse, the new model of dropshipping sales , of which we offer an excellent service on a fast, secure and always up-to-date platform, is a great help to traders. In the last article we talked about the payment methods that Scaboo makes available and described their security and ease of use.

Today we will talk in particular about Amazon Pay. This payment method is already available to Scaboo customers and represents an incredible opportunity for the image of the store and for offering customers a fast and secure payment method.

The easiest and most secure payment option for your customers
Let's talk about Amazon, the undisputed web giant that has earned over the years a high esteem from Internet users and entrepreneurs thanks to the provision of services with Amazon Web Service (AWS) and the special attention it pays to its customers in the everyday product sales experience. Well, now that it has managed to cross the most unthinkable borders, it has also arrived in Italy with its fast and secure payment service.

Amazon pay allows customers to enjoy a simple and secure shopping experience, as if they were right on the Amazon site. Offering payment for products with Amazon Pay means converting hundreds of millions of users worldwide into potential customers.

Brand guarantee is the key point
The use of Amazon Pay on your Scaboo site is easy for your customers, who can access and purchase safely using their account credentials, and it is in turn convenient for you as it allows you, in a single solution, to forget about the worries of managing the data of the different payment methods: Amazon takes care of that! It doesn't end there! In addition to managing payments, Amazon Pay also allows your customers to log in to the Scaboo site with the credentials stored in their Amazon account: all-round management that meets the needs of even the most sceptical customer. On the other hand, customers already know and trust the brand and therefore navigate your site with much more peace of mind.


Get started, now!
Did you know you can try Scaboo completely FREE? Take a look at our dropshipping catalogues and try our service free of charge for 15 days.

Payment methods for your e-commerce website? Here's what you have to choose!

Payment methods for your e-commerce website? Here's what you have to choose!

CEO, lead developer
26 02

The world of E-commerce has revolutionised the way people do shopping: buying and selling has changed over the last few years thanks to e-commerce. According to a press release by the Mobile Payment & Commerce Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano, in 2017 in Italy alone, digital payments increased by 9% and reached a value of EUR 190 ...

Vendere sul web: ecco i metodi di pagamento più sicuri per il tuo e-commerce

The world of E-commerce has revolutionised the way people do shopping: buying and selling has changed over the last few years thanks to e-commerce. According to a press release by the Mobile Payment & Commerce Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano, in 2017 in Italy alone, digital payments increased by 9% and reached a value of EUR 190 billion, or 24% of Italians' consumption.

From these numbers, it is easy to deduce that a virtual commerce business today represents an exceptional profit opportunity with ample prospects for future growth. We have seen that opening an E-commerce site in dropshipping is really convenient because, with this model, you specialise only in the advertising of products, without the related logistics tasks. With a Scaboo e-commerce site, it is possible to receive payments online, with secure and protected transactions being the main objective. Of all the payment methods, we have chosen for our platform only those types that have acquired greater security and ease of use over time.

Pay Pal: the flagship
The payment method most favoured by Internet users, the simplest and most popular. Using PayPal means offering a guarantee of a secure and practical purchase. In fact, using PayPal is very simple: open an account and you can send and receive money, make transfers and buy online. Payments are as immediate as with credit cards, a great feature that makes it a must-have for all seller prodigies!

Amazon Pay: a brand, a guarantee
Introduced only a few years ago, Amazon Pay allows for a simple and secure shopping experience. Offering Amazon Pay means simplifying the process of purchasing products and services for millions of customers worldwide. Using it is also child's play, as those who choose this payment method use information already stored in their account. Sellers who choose to use Amazon Pay as a payment method for their E-commerce are meeting the purchasing needs of even the most sceptical customer. On the other hand, customers already know and trust the brand and therefore enjoy the shopping experience with peace of mind.

Prepaid credit cards
For those who want to offer a classic payment method, the one with which all E-commerce was born. Easy to use, it is very secure since the customer only loads his prepaid card when necessary, does not have to register with any service other than his credit institution's, and pays with a simplified procedure set up by our systems. Every self-respecting E-commerce site should have this payment method, which is convenient for the respective parties. In fact, in addition to simplicity of use for the customer, this service has no cost for the merchant, who does not have to recognise any percentage on the sale as in more renowned services.

Bank transfer
Tailor-made for customers who do not want to have to deal with the myriad of services offered by the web, this traditional method allows classic payments to be made by bank transfer or postal order in complete security and protection of personal data. No fees for the seller, who receives the payment directly to the bank account and dispatches the product with peace of mind.

Cash on delivery
There are those who still don't want to know about credit cards, online services and electronic payments, and only trust their pocket. Those who have this payment method usually offer added value to their services or their site. In fact, very reliable for the buyer, this formula provides the greatest security, because the buyer only pays the amount due after receiving the goods. A big reason for using this method is that until last year, cash on delivery payments made on E-Commerce sites accounted for between 15% and 40%, and although in recent years, the 'Italian' has learnt to use the most secure services for payment, there are still many buyers who prefer to pay in this way.

The payment methods do not end there: here are all the rest
Here is a list of methods you can use to receive payments safely. These payment methods are used daily by our customers and are available in the AppShop area. Remember: offering customers a wide range of payment methods makes your website more reliable and doubles your chances of sales.

  • Alternative Payments
  • Consorzio Triveneto
  • GestPay di Banca Sella
  • HiPay
  • My Pos Checkout
  • NEXI
  • Poste IGFS
  • Satispay
  • Sella Personal Credit
  • Setefi (Mercury Payments)
  • SmartPay
  • Pago Online Imprese di Unicredit
  • Vaglia Postale
  • Klarna
  • Almapay
  • Axepta
  • ClearPay
  • Findomestic
  • Skrill
  • Pagantis
  • Payplug
  • Scalapay
  • Soisy
  • Stripe
  • 2Checkout
  • Riba

Get started, now!
Did you know you can try Scaboo completely FREE? Take a look at our dropshipping catalogues and try our service free of charge for 15 days.

How to sell thousands of products with CSV files

How to sell thousands of products with CSV files

CEO, lead developer
8 02

We have talked about dropshipping and how this new sales model has influenced the world of e-commerce in recent years. The new method makes it possible to sell without having a physical warehouse for product logistics thanks to suppliers who provide a product catalogue by incorporating it into so-called CSV files. An acronym for comma-separated ...

CSV: ecco come vendere migliaia di prodotti

We have talked about dropshipping and how this new sales model has influenced the world of e-commerce in recent years. The new method makes it possible to sell without having a physical warehouse for product logistics thanks to suppliers who provide a product catalogue by incorporating it into so-called CSV files. An acronym for comma-separated values, CSV files are processed by systems to export a mass of data to the destination site, in our case all those data that make up a product: title, description, image, price etc. You will therefore understand that they are the basis of any dropshipping site that is reputable and that the more structured and richer in information they are, the more they will be able to enrich the product page, turning a passing user into a customer.

An extensive catalogue is good for your business
While it is true that in order to sell a product you need to target a niche audience, it is also true that for each product category there are sub-categories that enrich, and not just a little, the product range on your site. Let's take an example: if you are a computer enthusiast, you probably want to sell technology items such as desktop computers, notebooks and smartphones. Maybe you are so good at it that you can get visits and sales in a short time and as your business progresses you realise that you can do more. Maybe that customer who bought the notebook also needs a carrying case, a USB stick and an external hard drive to store data. Maybe the customer who landed on your site a few days ago needed a cover for his smartphone but you didn't have it. That is why it is important to have a catalogue full of products: someone who buys a desktop PC will most likely need a range of accessories for his new friend, and your site, dealing with computer articles, must have them available. In this way you will also retain the occasional customer.

Would you like to start selling? Start here!
With Scaboo, you don't have to worry about importing CSV files. Our system allows you to process dozens of up-to-date catalogues from the main Italian and European suppliers in a completely automatic and transparent manner, freeing you from the burden of maintaining data and letting you concentrate exclusively on the commercial aspects. If you have come this far, it means that you have fully grasped the message we wanted to convey to you. If you are ready to sell what excites you, don't wait any longer. Take a look at our dropshipping catalogues and try our site for free for 15 days.

The prodigy seller: What could I sell in my E-commerce?

The prodigy seller: What could I sell in my E-commerce?

CEO, lead developer
15 01

In the last article we looked at what is the most profitable sector for online sales and spent a few words mentioning the niche and how important it is for your earnings! For those who have not read it, a niche is that group of enthusiasts who would buy their favourite product blindfold; it is that segment of the public that takes pleasure in ...

Il venditore prodigio: Cosa potrei vendere nel mio E-commerce

In the last article we looked at what is the most profitable sector for online sales and spent a few words mentioning the niche and how important it is for your earnings!

For those who have not read it, a niche is that group of enthusiasts who would buy their favourite product blindfold; it is that segment of the public that takes pleasure in buying a product.

What is the strategy to attract a niche?
I said 'strategy', let me be clear. Yes, because to sell online, don't think you can get away with it easily. You would be largely disappointed. An example of a 'strategy' would be to try and think about what you could sell in our hypothetical online shop and see if your idea has an audience that takes it to heart! To understand whether you are selling the right product with an eye to your wallet and a hand to your heart, you should first ask yourself whether it serves anyone, whether it solves a problem or need, but above all whether it attracts a niche of people who would die for it.

How do I choose which product to focus on? I have so many ideas...
I'll tell you straight: sell the product that represents you most, the product that reflects your ideas, your interests and your lifestyle! And don't be afraid of the big giants like Amazon or eBay. Do you know why? Because their customers are also yours if you show that you love what you sell. A hypothetical visitor will immediately notice if there is a human being behind the site he is visiting who believes in what he is offering, believe me.

OK but... how do I sell the product I love?
If you have found the right product to sell, now you have to make it liked and you have to do it through the magic of being credible. Just as credibility is a key element in everyday life, it is also a key element in online buying and selling: the more credible you are, the more successful you will be. How can you sell foreign language courses if you have never been outside Italy? How could you talk about sporting goods if you are a guy who likes to relax all day? Sell armchairs at this point. You have to be credible because people don't buy from you by trusting your word alone. So remember that your customer wants an enthusiast who loves the subject just as much as he does. And that has to be YOU!

Start now!
If you have come this far, it means that you have fully grasped the message I wanted to convey to you. If you are ready to sell what excites you, don't wait any longer. Take a look at our dropshipping catalogues and try our site for free for 15 days.

Do what you love and you will not work a single day of your life.
Electronic invoicing: everything you need to know!

Electronic invoicing: everything you need to know!

CEO, lead developer
10 01

Electronic invoicing: a system for issuing, transmitting and storing invoices that offers the possibility of eliminating paper and all related costs, such as printing and mailing invoices... 'well'! GDPR was not enough to create anxiety, in fact here comes another 'novelty' in the fiscal sphere that will worry quite a few.What do you need to ...

Fatturazione elettronica: Ecco cosa devi sapere

Electronic invoicing: a system for issuing, transmitting and storing invoices that offers the possibility of eliminating paper and all related costs, such as printing and mailing invoices... 'well'! GDPR was not enough to create anxiety, in fact here comes another 'novelty' in the fiscal sphere that will worry quite a few.

What do you need to know about electronic invoicing?
Not much, it was introduced by the 2018 Budget Law for both business-to-business and business-to-consumer transactions, and from 1 January 2019 it will also become mandatory for private individuals. The e-invoice between private individuals will be a normal B2B invoice, i.e. between VAT-registered persons, which, however, must be issued, received, signed and stored digitally, preserving its authenticity, integrity and legibility from the moment it is issued until the end of its storage period.

Are there companies exempt from issuing electronic invoices?
Fortunately, yes, some companies are not obliged to issue electronic invoices: we are talking about those smaller entities that make use of the so-called ' advantage regime ' or the ' flat-rate regime' .

How have we adapted here at Scaboo for electronic invoicing?
Your business is safe with us, with a recent update we have introduced a new section where you will be able to collect the additional information required to issue an electronic invoice. It will work like this: when purchasing, customers will be required to enter their PEC (certified electronic mail) and/or recipient code, depending on the profile they have chosen and the configuration of the site.

What's new with electronic invoicing
In this way, the site will be able to collect the information needed to issue the electronic invoice. We have also updated the order export system for Danea Easyfatt, which we remind you is integrated and free of charge for all Scaboo sites.

And for customers outside Italy?
No problem! We have also thought about their management: in fact, the old invoicing system is still available on the site and is up and running for invoices abroad.

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